EP006 Everyone Has a Passion; What’s Yours? With Teresa Snider

Lynda Sunshine West
13 min readMay 10, 2021



I’m super excited to introduce you to a very innovative, amazing, fascinating woman, Teresa Snider. She’s going to give us some really great tips and tricks of things that you can do in your business and your personal life. I’m not sure exactly where we’re going to go with this. It’s going to be exciting to see where we do go, but it’s something that you can do to take action on today tomorrow, or next week that’s going to uplevel you either in your personal life or your professional life. Teresa, welcome to the show. I’m excited to have you here.

Teresa Snider: I am so excited cause I just love who you are, the things that you’ve been creating inside of your Women Action Takers and the fact that you’ve found your love for what you do definitely is a draw for me.

Lynda Sunshine West: That’s cool. You know, it is true, right? When we find what we absolutely love to do, it’s really important to do that. And have you found your thing, like the thing that you absolutely love doing?

Teresa Snider: Yes. It’s kind of a two-fold thing is that I really love having conversations via interview, just like this. Even if it’s me being interviewed or me interviewing someone else. And it’s really a level of conversation because I think there’s some unique intimacy level that goes deep whenever you’re really in a situation where you’re conversing back and forth and you’re also providing content.

And so that’s something I also like to do is provide content so that’s what I love. And then the other thing that I love that I’ve always had a passion for is being in the fitness industry, is that now knowing my niche market is women, women that are 45, 48, 50, 55. So many people told me, Teresa. Like when I was coming, getting ready to come to the red carpet, I had a friend call me and she goes, Teresa, you’re too old for this, like stop it.

Lynda Sunshine West: That was a friend? I’m sorry.

Teresa Snider: Yes, yes, yes, it was. And, and you know she was saying it from her place of concern or whatever. And so, yes, I was hurt and yes, we are taking different paths at the moment. I still love her as a friend, but you know, that’s what happens I think with women or friends or people, as I see and I’m really going for something. And I think, you know, even my parents were like, are you going to get a job? Like you might want to think about getting a job. So I think people, when they don’t understand and they haven’t been in these intimate conversations and they don’t know what it’s like to really find their passion, then they do question what it is that made us.

Lynda Sunshine West: It can be scary for people, right? Those other people in our lives that have known us our whole life and known as, as you were. And then I don’t know about you, but for me, I didn’t like flip the switch until I was 51 where I started embarking on this journey of just doing different things and taking action in my life. I had been in pretty much action-less kind of person. And I didn’t know what passion was until just recently.

So, you know, discovering your passion. What puts you on that path and what kind of a tip would you give maybe to the audience about if they’re like, you know, I don’t have a passion. I don’t know what my passion is. What kind of tip would you give them to help them to maybe discover their passion or at least move along that lines?

Teresa Snider: Totally. Because I would say that really first and foremost, everyone has a passion. And when you’re saying that you don’t know what it is, there’s some easy things that I think that you can do, is one journal and literally journal to the point if I could have anything I wanted and money didn’t matter, or, you know, certain criteria didn’t matter. I mean, literally like, what do I want? And for me, I want freedom. I want to have access to travel and I’m gonna let my, as my dog barking bothering you, can you hear my dog?

Lynda Sunshine West: It’s fine. It’s fine. Your dog is in action.

Teresa Snider: He’s like, I want some more to eat. Yes. So anyways, that is one way. And another thing that I, another exercise that I like to give for people is to look back on when they were like 5, 10 and 15 years old. What were some of those things? Because when we were childlike, it’s like, did you enjoy playing with friends, playing Barbies on the playground? Did you enjoy playing tennis as a solo sport? Did you enjoy, you know, playing on the kickball team and just kind of experimenting with what some of those non-regimented types of activities that we did when we were can help us bring that into our life now as an adult to bring some more childlike play and some more childlike ideas.

And so for me, that was definitely something and, and I’ve listened to several podcasts about digging into our passion, give yourself permission to be okay with your passion. I realized when I was a kid, I would dress up in my mom’s clothes and kind of teach and play with my Barbies and my dolls and my Teddy bears. So no wonder I have this goal of being Barbara Walters or being a teacher or college level teacher and all that kind of stuff.

So yeah, that’s what helped me find my passion is this that I found my passion whenever I was young and dressed up in my mom’s clothes and played with my Barbies and my Teddy bears and would set them up and I’d entertain them and I’d educate them. Then I would teach to them and, you know, really was involved in that element. And that was so great and fun. That’s what I want to do now at 48 years old, you know?

Lynda Sunshine West: I can see you interviewing bears.

Teresa Snider: I know, no, I think now, it’s like, wow, I get to interview even more high caliber people and giving myself permission to not think, and you and I have that in common where, you know, some people would say, how did you get to interview Will Ferrell? Or how did you get to interview Wesley Snipes? Or, you know, how did I get to be in a circle with Oprah and different things like that? And part of it is that we’re doing the work, we’re taking the action.

Lynda Sunshine West: Yep, exactly. You know, it’s interesting what you said there, you said, you’ll look at when you were 5 years old, 10 years old, 15 years old. And you’ll look at the things that you did that you were passionate about. So what I love to share with parents is that if you have a child that’s 5 years old, 10 years old, 15 years old, if they’re spending a lot of time and exorbitant amount of time doing something that they’re just so engrossed in, so focused on, instead of saying, Oh, you need to go do this instead. Why not look at how that is something that they might be able to apply later? Because if they are naturally engrossed in that, that might be something that they want to actually do instead of some parents are like, you know, you gotta be a doctor when you grow up, but yeah, if you’re not going to enjoy being a doctor, why do you want to do that?

Teresa Snider: Exactly. And I think that’s what happens is we, you know, as a human, especially in Western culture, we think that there’s a certain step process we’re supposed to take, you know? And I think it’s go to college and if you don’t want to go to college, then you get married and then you have your 2.2 kids or whatever. It’s kind of like, there’s this expectation.

And I know parents of mine, friends of mine that are parents. And whenever they say, well, Johnny wants to play the guitar, but the guitar’s really not, I mean, he’d be better trying to make it on a college baseball scholarship. You know, they think the guitar’s play time. They think that’s like, and that’s why they say play the guitar, well, it is play, but it’s play that can actually, it’s creative and it’s reaching mass audiences and it’s bringing a whole other form of entertainment out into the world. So definitely being open to having those conversations.

Lynda Sunshine West: Yeah, I agree. And it’s not about, what is it that they can do that’s going to make them money. Not that everybody’s an entrepreneur, you know, like we are, right. But what is something that they’re going to be passionate about and be able to just get engrossed with and love their life?

You know, it’s like, if we imagine, if we all loved our life, you know, there wouldn’t be the wars, there are, there wouldn’t be the pain. There wouldn’t be the hate. There wouldn’t be all those negative things. If people actually just love their lives. And so if we can find that one glimmer of hope, that one thing that really sparks our interest and spend time doing that, then you know, life can be so much better.

Teresa Snider: Yes. And I think that’s what’s been so great about what I watch and what you do and how you educate and how you’re a stand for them. Just take it on. I mean, you know, I’m somebody that came from corporate medical sales. So former corporate sales exec now turned lifestyle entrepreneur. Yes. It’s a totally different animal and it is an adjustment, you know, I’m still thinking, give yourself permission to be okay with that to have the flexibility, to be able to travel, to be able to teach, you know, I’ve taken up some painting classes and doing some different things that, that really fit inside of my right brain creative element.

Lynda Sunshine West: Yeah. And sometimes, maybe there’s some things you didn’t know about when you were young. And so exploring new things, like you just mentioned painting. I went to my second ever, one of those little like wine and paint class kind of things, and I looked at my painting and I’ve always said my whole life, I’m 56 years old now, and for my whole life, I’ve always said, I’m a terrible artist. I can’t even draw a straight line. Well, so I went to this painting class and I just went there with extremely low expectations of what I was going to do. And I was very pleasantly surprised with what I created. I was like, Oh my God, at 56 years old, I’m discovering that I actually can paint. How awesome is that?

Teresa Snider: Yes. And that’s, you know, that’s another element of getting us into something different, you know, kind of a cross train or, or use our brain and use our mind and an escape time, but in a way that we’re playing and laughing and having fun with our friends and painting something, and maybe it’s not going to be perfect, but it’s not like, it’s not like you’re the tattoo artist, like putting something permanent on someone you’re just painting a piece of wood or a piece of canvas.

Lynda Sunshine West: Good point.

Teresa Snider: You know, and then why not try it out.

Lynda Sunshine West: Yeah. So, so true. So true. So true.

So I didn’t even ask you, okay. What do you do? Why don’t you share with our audience what it is that you do and you know, how they can connect with you. And then I’m going to ask you — the last question is going to be what is one action item our audience can do today, tomorrow or next week that will help take them to next level of themselves in their personal life or their business life?

Teresa Snider: Oh, that’s awesome. Well, I’m a professional media host, so I have my own show, podcasts. I love interviewing people. I’m also a speaker, pretty excited. So being able to speak and educate that is definitely lead in my mind on Tuesday nights. The next thing that I’m going to be creating in the fall is an adventure style mastermind, where we go to a resort or Airbnb, and we actually get together.

If there’s 12 of us there, and we each want to write a chapter in a book, we’re going to walk away with a book, get GoPro cameras and go out and do something, you know, swim with the dolphins. If that’s something you never thought you were going to be able to do, this is a time to do some team building activities. Some brainstorming ideas to help people get together in a cool meetup style environment, but at a resort where you get some variety in some fun.

Lynda Sunshine West: That sounds exciting. I love that. I love that. I just looked at a castle today here in San Diego, about 30 miles East of downtown San Diego. There’s a castle. And I’ve been looking at this castle as a place to do masterminds. So I don’t know. Maybe we can talk about collaborating somehow. You never know.

Teresa Snider: Oh, I love that. That collaboration piece is so important.

Lynda Sunshine West: Yeah, I totally agree. So how can people get in contact with you about your mastermind, about you speaking about, you know, all the stuff that you’re doing?

Teresa Snider: Okay. Great. So Teresa360.com has all my contact information, and my social media and Facebook Teresa Snider is a good way to find me. And those are the easiest and I’m a fitness and health coach. And I’m also leading a Tuesday night mastermind. So if you’re interested in any of that or want to be interviewed on my show, that’s definitely a way to reach out.

Lynda Sunshine West: Fantastic. So now, okay. That final question of the sheriff, what is one action item our audience can take today tomorrow or next week that is going to push them out to that next level in their personal or professional life?

Teresa Snider: Okay. So the action item that I would recommend is I have a couple of ideas. So one idea would be to find your favorite audio book, audible book, podcast, listen to this podcast, whatever the case may be, get out in nature, walk, get in nature, listen to something that’s going to educate you. You’re going to be exercising. You’re going to be feeding your mind and your mood is going to be elevated. So that’s one thing. Another thing is to get that pen and piece of paper and literally write, like no rules about it. Just what do I want? And be specific as you can just dream, like, what are my dreams? Do I want to drive a Tesla? Do I want to go to Australia? Do I want to fall in love with, you know, a man that is that makes me happy? I mean, just what are those things?

And then kind of play with trying that on another thing would be join a mastermind, whether it’s Lynda’s mastermind or another mastermind that is available, that you find that you are connected to because those collective groups of women, wow. If you’re not in a mastermind, people, you need to join a mastermind. And then lastly is create a vision board or do something creative, do something. Even if it’s not a vision board, get clear on your finances, like get these things to where you’re clear and complete on your finances. Get some of those things that have been looming over you and/or a vision board, either one of those things so that you can set yourself up and really think about what do I want my life to look like and now is the time to start implementing these actions and find a friend.

You can bounce those ideas off and ask that friend, what are some attributes about me that I’m maybe not thinking of? Where do you think that, you know, people have been telling me lately that they see that I’m a light, full of light and energy and that I’m energetic. And I’m always like really, wow. You know, so, and then take on something that scares you. So those are several tips, but those are my tips.

Lynda Sunshine West: Those are, there’s a lot more than one. So you guys, I hope you wrote those down and go, Whoa, rewind this and listen to them again. Those are amazing tips. I love it. I agree with you on every single one of those, it’s really important that if you want to uplevel your life, you gotta be doing something different than what you’re currently doing. So if you find yourself that you’re stagnated, or maybe you are making progress and things, but you just want to uplevel to that next level, take Teresa’s advice.

Implement those into your life on a regular basis. You know, some of them, you can implement daily. Some of those you might do every month or so, or maybe even every six months or so, but go ahead and, you know, just implement those immediately to change your life. And this is Lynda Sunshine West with the Women Action Takers Podcast. I hope you got a lot of great information out of this. Please share it with your friends and family so that they, too, can get that information.

Teresa Snider, I want to thank you so much for being here on the Women Action Takers Podcast. Thank you for taking that action to be here on this podcast. You guys have a great day and we’ll see you soon.

Teresa Snider: Bye-Bye thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



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Connect with Lynda Sunshine West here: https://www.womenactiontakers.com



Lynda Sunshine West
Lynda Sunshine West

Written by Lynda Sunshine West

Founder of Women Action Takers, Queen of Collaboration, Speaker, 6X Bestselling Author, Mastermind Facilitator, Executive Film Producer, Red Carpet Interviewer.

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